Hi there. I am hoping you an help me. I am having a bit of a problem that I never had before.....
first let me give you some background.
In my workflow, I copy an entire shoot to a folder, open the folder in PM, tag my selects, then copy those to another "edits" folder, using the PM copy function....then I open that folder and rotate all the verticals, then I run a batch on that folder in Photoshop.
Ok, so that all works great. after the batch is done all the files that need to be rotated are rotated, etc, etc.....however...lately and very randomly, horizontal images which have not been rotated in PM are rotated after they are opened by the Photoshop batch?
very frustrating and time consuming to go through a re-rotate them. any idea why this is happening? I am using Mac OX 10.4.7 and PM version 4.3.8 and Photoshop CS it just started happening very frequently, to the point where I want to shoot myself
let me know if you have any ideas