I'm shooting mostly film these days (I know, I know) and my folder naming convention looks like this...
2010/06-June/2010 Roll-001/2010 Roll-001_01.jpg
2010/06-June/2010 Roll-001/2010 Roll-001_02.jpg
2010/06-June/2010 Roll-001/2010 Roll-001_03.jpg
2010/06-June/2010 Roll-002/2010 Roll-002_01.jpg
I use the Sequence Number for the individual file numbers. Is there any method that would allow me to save a "film" snapshot during ingest that would increment this number each time I ingest using that snapshot? ingestseq seems close, but I don't see where to set/reset that value.
It's really not much work to look up the last folder name, but I then need to remember to change the number in the folder and file name fields, so thought I'd ask.