I'm running:
Mac OSX 10.6.4
Photo Mechanic 4.6.6
I'd like to request additional options for the "Renaming resolution" setting under Preferences > Files.
The main one that I'm interested would be: "Always append a lowercase letter (a, b, c)".
The goal being to have a standardized naming convention like:
20101112 = {datesort}
img = my text input.
16453022 = {timesortlong}
and there would always be a lowercase letter in the last "a" position.
If you add the "Always append a lowercase letter (a, b, c)". It might make sense to also consider:
"Append lowercase letter when needed (a, b, c)"
"Always append uppercase letter when needed (A, B, C)"
just so there are consistent letter options inline with the number ones and they exist for both upper and lower case.
Thanks for the consideration,