Author Topic: Lost settings  (Read 5516 times)

Offline SamFrost

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Lost settings
« on: September 13, 2006, 05:04:20 AM »
When I started PhotoMechanic this morning, all my settings had vanished - preferences, FTP connections, toolbar view settings, Info text, etc.  Everything was as if it was an all-new installation.  My first thought was to copy the com.camerabits.PhotoMechanic.plist file and the com.camerabits.PhotoMechanic folder from my backup back into my user/library/preferences folder, but this seemed to make no difference, so the corruption or change must have occurred on quitting PM last night just before running the backup.  However, what I do still have are all the Snapshot menus, though I didn't check initially so I don't know if they were working when I first tried PM or if they were restored from backup.  All my other apps seem fine, it's just PM that went funny.  In the end I managed to restore all the settings from the plist file on my desktop installation of PM.  A long shot maybe, but do you have any idea what could have caused this? 

I'm running a Powerbook G4 with OS X 10.4.7 and PM

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Lost settings
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2006, 07:01:00 AM »
When I started PhotoMechanic this morning, all my settings had vanished - preferences, FTP connections, toolbar view settings, Info text, etc.  Everything was as if it was an all-new installation.  My first thought was to copy the com.camerabits.PhotoMechanic.plist file and the com.camerabits.PhotoMechanic folder from my backup back into my user/library/preferences folder, but this seemed to make no difference, so the corruption or change must have occurred on quitting PM last night just before running the backup.  However, what I do still have are all the Snapshot menus, though I didn't check initially so I don't know if they were working when I first tried PM or if they were restored from backup.  All my other apps seem fine, it's just PM that went funny.  In the end I managed to restore all the settings from the plist file on my desktop installation of PM.  A long shot maybe, but do you have any idea what could have caused this? 

I'm running a Powerbook G4 with OS X 10.4.7 and PM

No, I have no idea what would cause that.  It would have been great if you still had the file that appeared to have lost all of its settings.  Do you still have that file?  If so, I would like to have it to examine it.

I have no reports of that happening before.


Offline SamFrost

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Re: Lost settings
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2006, 09:06:22 AM »
Yes I still have the .plist file from the backup, which (now I know I can restore prefs from the desktop Mac) I have just replaced in my User/Library/Preferences folder to test, and indeed it holds none of my prefs.  Let me know where to send it.


Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Lost settings
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2006, 09:50:10 AM »

Yes I still have the .plist file from the backup, which (now I know I can restore prefs from the desktop Mac) I have just replaced in my User/Library/Preferences folder to test, and indeed it holds none of my prefs.  Let me know where to send it.

Contact me privately by clicking on my name to the left of this message.  I'll give you an email address to send it to.

