A few things I am trying to accomplish, with the minimum of steps.
(sorry, english is not my mother tongue)
Some context first: While covering sport events, I need to transmit after quarters, periods or halves (depending on the sport/deadline). Usually I ingest during breaks in the action and I have a basic caption in the stationery pad prepared ( …. during 1st quarter action between the Chicago Bears and New Orleans Saints….) Before transmitting I select the pictures I want and copy them to a "1st quarter" folder. From this folder I do the post production needed in PS (crop,colour,contrast…) and then complete the captions.
I am just starting to use variables.
Before transmitting I have to rename the pictures starting with a number sequence (no problem at this point, I either use rename in the folder (select all + rename with the sequence variable) or when copying in the folder, again using the sequence variable
1) My caption needs to start with the number of files transmitted (can not get the total variable to work) ie if sending 8 pictures, the 1st thing in the caption field needs to be either (
or ideally "3" of 8, etc.
2) I then need to put the new file name (fbas variable works great if rename was done) Obviously, if I include the fbas variable in my initial stationery pad, it will keep the camera filename instead of the "job rename" I need.
Any ways this can be done via the rename and caption sub-menus in the "ftp as" window ? Tried using the caption variable in this window but all I get is a bunch of lines duplicating the file name (I had manually put the number of files transmitted, in this case (3) followed by the fbas variable and the caption variable)
Hope this is clear enough, thank you for your time/help.
I am running Photo Mechanic version 4.6.6 and I run Mac OS X 10.6.6 on my Intel-based Mac.