Win 7 HP 32, Win 7 UL 64 Intel, PM 4.6.
I was not able to understand how to easy drag and drop photos to change the photos order, then I read the post: "unable to drag and drop images where needed". And it worked fine, but later, when I reopen the folder everything was on the old order so that I wasted time for nothing.
In this case I have 1750 photos and i need to move some of them to have a good flow order.
Then I need to have all the files in a stable order to work with other applications, but I cannot find how to do.
After I decided a fixed order it is possible to rename all the files adding an additional numbering? (new numbering)-(old file name)extension? Or to do something like that?
Or how to do in order to have all the files in the new drag and drop order that I made?
As a new user I ask the courtesy to explain it as clear as it possible.
I cannot find posts regarding this issue but if you think it was already done please let me know it.