Hello Camerabits,
I setup the info panel in my viewer to show, among other values, the used lens. I defined that field with the help of the {lenstype} variable.
I use Capture NX 2 to convert my NEFs into JPGs. {lenstype} returns the lens I used on JPGs or TIFs converted with CNX2, but any other converter I have used so far, seems to strip this information. I can only assume, that this variable uses maker information to get its value?
The result is, that {lenstype} returns no value if I use non Nikon converter.
What I realized is, that common converters like Capture 1, ACR/Lightroom but also CNX2 write out "XMP-aux:Lens", which contains more or less the same information.
I would really appreciate a variable, that returns this value.
Do you think, this is practical and possible to implement?
Best regards