Well, if I understand this correctly, OS X allows app associations for individual files -- as opposed to app associations for, say, all files with .html extension. see:
http://osxdaily.com/2009/10/25/change-file-associations-in-mac-os-x/The dialog allows you to change the app association for a particular file, but it also has a "change all" - which allows you to change the assotiation for all "documents like this one."
So, I picked a random .html file on my machine, and changed the default app to Safari, then did the change all thing too. Suddenly, my PM help opened in Safari instead of firefox. Then I change the assocation to Chrome, and voila! PM help now opens in Chrome! Yay!
However.. new problemo here. PM5 Simpleviewer exports don't work in Chrome. UGH! (simpleviewer explains why on their web site, it has nothing to do with PM).
So, I think I need to know where the default index.html file is coming from - so i can set the association for that specific file back to either Firefox or Safari to get around the Simpleviewer/Chrome problem