I am just starting to take a lot of photos and culling them is still time consuming. Mainly because I don't have enough PP experience to know what can be saved. Are there any tips for figuring this out besides trial and error?
Here are my general guidelines so far:
1. Throw out blurry, out-of-focus
2. Throw out animal/people shots if they are subject matter and eyes aren't visible
3. Throw out ones that don't "grab me" right away and give me a "ho-hum."
4. Throw out ones with really distracting backgrounds (I know I'll never want to be one that does photo design -- I just want to clean up what I shot, not make a new composition.)
Of the remaining, especially burst shots that are similar -- I can't tell which one is best to keep without trying them all. I thought in those instances maybe looking at the histogram might help? And if so would I be looking for a full range or higher peaks? Throw out blown highlights is easy, but if none are blown, how do you decide?
Or, do you guys just run them all through a batch PP process and see what falls out?