Uploading a bunch of Nikon RAW files throws the following errors and never completes.
Version 5.0, build 15011 (54772e6)
2013-11-09 22:31:13 [ERROR] /Volumes/DATA-1/PICTURES/.../PH-0284.XMP PhotoShelter You must be logged into PhotoShelter to perform this action
2013-11-09 22:31:13 [ERROR] /Volumes/DATA-1/PICTURES/.../PH-0284.NEF PhotoShelter You must be logged into PhotoShelter to perform this action
The behavior is reproducible.
Photoshelter support says they are not throttling the number of uploads, bandwidth or file size to log out the session in mid transfer.
Why does this happen and if it's a bug, what build is it fixed?
Thank you.