Hello everyone! I am new to PM and new to this forum. I apologize ahead of time if my question has an obvious answer. I tried searching the forums, but did not find an answer. I am running PM Version 5.0, build 15077 (39d4ee2), on a 2011 MacBook Air and a 2011 Mac Mini, both running OS 10.8.5. I sometimes shoot in RAW+JPEG mode. I plan to rename my files during ingest with my name a date and a number sequence. Ideally I would like to end up with the same name for the matching RAW and JPEG files and have them differ only by the file type suffix (.JPG or .CR2 or similar). I don't want the matched RAW and JPEG files to end up with different file numbers. Can PM do this? If so, how do I configure it to do this?