I use the {sequence} variable a lot to both rename images and when emailing them. I seem to have to click around a lot to reset the sequence number, isn't there/ couldn't there be an easier way?
For example: I have a set of pictures which the client wants named "Nice Photo 01.jpg and so on. I bring up the 'Rename Photos' dialog where I have saved a string for this client {Headline} {Seqn}. First I have to click 'Set {seqn} variable...', click 'Reset', click 'OK' then I can finally click 'Rename'.
It would be a lot easier if there were a reset button in the 'Rename Photos' dialog window (with the assumption I wan to reset to 01 or 001 depending on the current number). Other apps do this, Apple's Aperture springs to mind.
Once I have my pictures renamed and want to email them I send them using 'Send Photos by email' where I also have a setting saved for my client with their email address and the subject line '{transref} {headline} - {sequence} of {total}'. An d guess what mostly happens, I forget to reset the sequence number. And when I do remember I have to go through that multi click routine again rather than just one click in the 'email photos' window...
A little anti-clockwise arrow icon to reset the sequence number on those dialogs would be lovely. Please.