Author Topic: initial images in Photo Mechanic or LR 5 after keywords, GPs  (Read 4511 times)

Offline mycaddisfly

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I am a newby to PM 5 and have decided to use it as my image inout and browser.
My question is not about the input of images froma card, as it is about the 20,000 images I want to organise .
They are by year downloaded.
Can I use PM 5 totreattem as a ne ingest and keyword , etc and leave them ther or do they...those selected need to be imported into LR ...I am asking where with this new system where are the raw, nef files stored PM 5 or LR?
Help..I have use LR to ingest most images...I have Nikons browsers, captures ... however it seems to me that ..from a organizational and file structure to be efficient starts with how you look and treat the image before it gets to the editor [LR]
Help!! :)

Offline Hayo Baan

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Re: initial images in Photo Mechanic or LR 5 after keywords, GPs
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2014, 09:39:24 AM »
So, if I understand you correctly, your files are currently already on your hard disk. If this is the case, there's no need to e.g., ingest them with PhotoMechanic. Just open a contact sheet with the folder of your files. If you want you can even load a whole set of nested folders in one contact sheet.

Note that while PM does allow you to open a contact sheet with say 20,000 files or more, I don't recommend doing so as this is going to be pretty unworkable (and slow). Instead, open (sets of) folders with a limited number of files into one or more contact sheets and work on those.

Does this answer your question?
Hayo Baan - Photography

Offline mycaddisfly

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Re: initial images in Photo Mechanic or LR 5 after keywords, GPs
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2014, 09:18:26 AM »
yes , partly ... so when I want to edit in LR ..i import only those selected ...edit and  then do I export the edited flies back to PM?
The problem I did not ever wake up to is that with each new edition of LR a new catalog was made and eventually you have five cats and a mess with images. I want to use LR only as an editor. If I can keyword before and after editing ..I should be able to browse in PM ..right?

Offline Hayo Baan

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Re: initial images in Photo Mechanic or LR 5 after keywords, GPs
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2014, 12:13:38 PM »
Well, what you describe can be done, sort of. The trouble (as you found out) is that LR insists on treating everything its own and keeping it in a library. There are ways around this though. I do use LR (though I mainly use ACR directly from PM) as editor, but all my meta data changes are done from within PM.

Basically I ignore the fact that LR has a catalogue, I still manage and move my files around outside LR. This only requires me to synchronise the folders from within LR every now and then (otherwise LR won't pick up any metadata changes or new/removed files). See screenshots for a sample dialogue.
About the only other thing you need to be sure to do is have LR write its metadata changes to the xmp files (or do so manually). Oh, and of course have PM's metadata settings set-up correctly for LR (click the lightning bolt button in the iptc/xmp preferences, PM provides several defaults). Again see screenshot (no: you probably don't want to set them like I have!).

If you do this, both PM and LR can work well together. The only problem you now still have is that of PM not being able to see your edits from LR (except the crops). There's a solution to this too, but that means having to switch to .dng. (more on this in my blog).

Hope this was helpful, if not, be sure to ask more questions :)

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Hayo Baan - Photography