OSX 10.9
PM 5.0 build 15800
We are still trying to pinpoint this problem, but when using "Find" for photos using keywords, that if the assigned keyword terms for individual photos have more than 3 words that are the same then all keywords with any of those terms are selected by "Find".
For instance, performing a Find for "Sporting events with people wearing purple uniforms" will select that keyword string, but also "Sporting events without people wearing purple uniforms" as well as "Sporting events with people who are naked" and "Sporting events with purple gatorade".
The search feature works flawlessly and that is our preference because of the search for "exact" words and the precision.
My concern is for the "Find and replace" feature. For example, if I want to replace my keyword assignment of "...people who are naked" with "...people who are nude", is it going to replace everything with "Sporting events with" to the replaced keyword terms "...nude"? So, purple gatorade is now misnamed?
Our workaround is to use the Search feature first to isolate photos, then do the find and replace from that new contact sheet.