I am using PM 5 build 15800 on an MacBook Pro running OS X 10.9.5.
I recently installed Perfect PhotoSuite 9 and edited an image with it using the Smart Photo option. I then took the image into PS CC 2014 and cropped it. I saved it both as a PSD, and as a JPG.
I tried to have PM take the JPG and save it as another file, coverting it to sRGB from Arobe RGB, and making it smaller. It does does work. I get a PM message saying "There were errors during the save as operation."
I am able to do a save as on a different version of the file created in ACR and saved as a JPG, that did not touch Perfect Photo Suite. In fact the "save as" operation is a preset in PM that I have used hundreds of time with no problem.
Any idea what is happening here?