Author Topic: Move license from PC to laptop  (Read 5576 times)

Offline bigrob

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Move license from PC to laptop
« on: December 17, 2014, 12:18:35 PM »

I have PM5 on my laptop and my desktop PC.

As I understand it, this is okay as I am allowed it on 2 devices as long as I only use one at a time - correct?

I have just bought a 2nd hand laptop to have as a backup. The plan is to keep it in the boot of the car, so that if my main dies or I break it (which is far more likely) I can edit and send my pics not long after the game finishes.

How do I go about de-registering the desktop PC, so that I can put PM5 on my spare laptop?


Windows 7 x64 on Thinkpad laptop
PM5 Build 15800


Offline Sven

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Re: Move license from PC to laptop
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2014, 12:23:02 PM »

On a Mac there is an option in the Help menu to deactivate the license. I guess on Windows you will find this function in a similar position.
Once you have deactivated a license you can can re-activate the license on the 2nd Laptop.


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Offline bigrob

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Re: Move license from PC to laptop
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2014, 12:48:42 PM »
Thanks. That does not show on my PC.

I decided then to do what I should have done in the first place and check the Help.

See below. I must have bought PM before the 15002 build. I thought it was 2 PCs, but it is actually three. Which means I must have put it on an PC that has been consigned to the bin.

So I have emailed support to see how I go about sorting it.

Thanks for your time.



(New in Photo Mechanic Version 5 Build 15002 or later)

Your purchase of Photo Mechanic allows you to install the program on up to three computers at a time as long as you are the sole user. If you are planning to uninstall Photo Mechanic from one of your three computers to add it to another computer, you must deactivate the license on the computer from which you wish to uninstall. You can deactivate from the Help menu in Photo Mechanic:

NOTE: If you originally purchased and ran Photo Mechanic prior to Version 5 build 15002, the option to Deactivate may not appear. You can contact Sales and Licensing for ways to deactivate unused instances of Photo Mechanic. Currently, you can't deactivate other computers with this process. You can only deactivate the computer that Photo Mechanic is currently on.

To deactivate this way, you'll need an internet connection. If you can't connect to the internet, it is also possible to deactivate a computer by creating a Deactivation File and then transferring that file to a computer that is connected to the internet.

To do this, choose the same Deactivation option as above, but then select "Deactivate Offline"

1. You will need to transfer this "Deactivation File" to a device with internet access (Example via removable storage drive, memory card/reader, USB cable, etc)

2. From that internet-connected device you'll visit

3. Upload your Deactivation file for validation

4. That's it.