Thanks for the interesting suggestion, Hayo. I've had a play.
The sequence in Kirk's way is: select file(s), go main menu "Tools", click "Convert RAW to DNG", click "Convert". That's four steps.
The sequence in your way is: select file(s), go right menu "Edit photo", click, click "Convert", click "Exit". That's five steps.
Unless I've misunderstood what you meant or have miscounted, I'm afraid your way is slightly more laborious, not less.
Seeing the controls in the DNG converter each time has no value to me, as I'm only interested in creating files viewable accurately in PM. I can then choose with confidence which to edit.
I use Capture One Pro to do the editing. It doesn't care whether it's asked to work on a "raw" Raw file or a converted one but I use the former. (The converted files produce slightly brighter mid- and upper tones.)