Kirk, I must be totally confused and I apologize.
I must have been thinking that I had previously capture my camera generated GPS coordinates in the IPTC Pad during ingest but now I recall it was in the image information text that I had set the GPS coordinates.
To your query: "You want to use gps coordinates from images to apply as IPTC metadata?" Is this possible? If the IPTC Pad captures the image capture date I would think it would capture other data as well?
However, I can see that if one does capture the GPS data automatically in the IPTC pad (that is if it was possible) and one applies that metadata IPTC Pad to multiple images the GPS coordinates would not be correct for images captures in different locations.
As always, thank you for the prompt replies. I'm a long time user of Photo Mechanic and I love it and promote it often to my photography collegues.
Anyway, thanks for "straightening me out" on this GPS issue.