I've been using Lightroom to do my key-wording of large amateur sports events. But I'm experimenting with the power of code replacement in photo-mechanic.
But I'm now frustrated by the lack of a keyboard shortcut for selecting the next set of images to keyword. Currently in LR I'll select a series of images using shift+right arrow. Then the following sequence - Ctl-K, enter race number, enter, esc then alt-right arrow selects the next image after the sequence i've just keyworded.
To do this in a similar fashion in a photo-mechanic contact sheet, I've added a couple of Keyboard Maestro macros. So alt-k brings up the IPTC pad, and tabs down to the keyword field. I enter the race number, and code replacement expands it. cmd-s now imitates alt-ctl-a and saves the keywords (i find that easier :-) ). Then I have to use the mouse to select the next thumbnail.
Have I missed anything? I really want to do all of my key-wording just using the keyboard....