I lost today all the keywords that were in my list : when I open the structured keywords panel, it's all blank.
There is no more keywords list.
Even after having selected a photo already including keywords, which are displayed in the IPTC Stationary pad, these keywords are not displayed in the keywords list. They only show up if I edit keywords.
Maybe it's because of a crash I recently had, or because I installed a maintenance release of OS X today ?
I ran permissions repair in disk utility, no result. I also installed the most recent version of PM.
Where is this list located ? How can I recover it ?
I use a MacBook Pro, OSX 10.10.5.
Thanks by advance for your help.
Update : hereattached is a screen copy of the library>preference files. Some folders are empty, is it normal ? As you also see, there is a StructuredKeywords file.. which is empty. I don't know if it is at the right place..