For some time I'd been struggling with how to retain the original file name with an image when it goes through all the renaming and repurposing that they go through, and I have only just come up with the answer. Now why would anyone need that? I write a lot of books and files get named by designers to the publisher's convention that embeds project numbers etc. But suppose a file gets corrupted, or suddenly they want to use it really big. I have to dig up the original and rework it, or reprocess a raw file. Until now, I'd have to rely on memory to find the thing because the original filename is lost. But now I can incoroporate the original filename with the IPTC data and use Spotlight to locate it within seconds.
Here's how: open the IPTC Stationery Pad, click in Object Name (or whatever cell you choose) and open Variables (fourth button on the bottom), then double-click on {filename} and make sure the Object Name is ticked in the box. On ingest the filename should be embedded in the image. I am steadily going through old folders to add filename to their IPTC data. Wish I'd worked this out earlier, which is why I'm sharing it with you.
Well, if you (Kirk and others) know all about this, do feel free to remove this. Thanks to Kirk and Camera Bits for a great little app.