These are all of the renaming variables:
x, w, y, h, f, op,
act, now, h24, hr0, nhr, min, sec, ihr, cat,
hour, time, ssec, file, newf, fbas, nfwb,
fnum, fnm4, brit, uniq, itim, ihr0, ih24,
imin, isec, city, stat, prov, cnty, objt,
slug, virn, sup1, sup2, sup3, cred, tdyu,
srce, titl, home, edit, head, exer, tref,
cmds, inst, nhr0, nh24, nmin, nsec, nsub,
nows, nwsl, tims, tmsl, mtms, auto, seqn,
galt, gdtm, gdir, gtim, glat, glon, gtrk,
frame, width, state, title, virin, track,
height, minute, second, frame4, object, byline,
credit, source, gpsdir, nowsort, country, gpstime,
filename, timesort, uniqueid, iptctime, category,
suppcat1, suppcat2, suppcat3, transref, headline,
exercise, province, homeunit, cmdshown, sequence,
altitude, gpsdatum, latitude, subsecond, nowminute,
nowsecond, operation, longitude, actuations, iptcminute,
iptcsecond, brightness, assignment, editstatus,
newfilename, nowsortlong, modtimesort, filenamebase,
timesortlong, nowsubsecond, instructions, newfilenamebase