Also sending out a sketch I did in 2012 showing that the tasks would be much more helpful if they were at the left bottom side with all info on them and not in an open window as it continues to be in version 6 it makes no sense at all having that window popping out constantly.
You can control this. Open the Ingest Tasks dialog from the "Window" menu. Uncheck the checkbox labeled "Always show this dialog when an Ingest starts". You won't see one ever again unless you bring it up manually.
I know this hidden option from previous version the problem is that if the dialog is closed the messages/errors would not show only the progress bar and color are displayed and having it open it's the only safe way to know what really happen when it stops transferring the files, maybe if this was displayed on the bottom left within the Task (as I show in the pic above) then it would make sense to close it.
Quote from: ruimleal on Today at 08:11:18 PM
- After so many years waiting, since 2012, I was hoping to see this implemented too "Before and while Ingesting photos have an option to add GPS Map information (This could be useful for a quick shoot when GPS would be needed to add directions to the agency). I found that you need to browse photos and only afterwards adding the GPS coordinates to them, this way you could add GPS info before the ingest just like the IPTC info."
I don't understand how that could possibly work? The GPS coordinates have to come from somewhere if they're not already contained in the images on the card. Stopping on each image and asking you to point to a location on a map during Ingest doesn't sound productive at all. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you?
What I mean is you select the GPS coordinates before ingesting the files. For example if you have taken all photos at a certain location and want to add gps coordinates to all the photos while importing them (instead of doing that after having importing the files) and now with the option to choose manually each file to import this makes even more sense on the workflow. You select the gps coordinates on the map and then choose the files to import them with just like you do with the already existent IPTC Stationery pad just needed to be created a GPS stationary pad if you know what I mean.
Didn't know about the beta with database, sorry about that.
In attach I send the hidden Favorites that I would like to be hidden every time I open PM.
Sorry about all this, but I really like so much PM that version 6 got me very disappointed for the money to pay for it and after a so good advertisement it is, for me, a very bad start.