Author Topic: collection and other things  (Read 4028 times)

Offline ©PERENOM

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collection and other things
« on: August 08, 2019, 08:55:30 AM »

Impossible to have a new collection with Mojave installed, may be i don't understand the process.

After a quick search on catalog , i have the images in certain order : for exemple 22 to 01 and not 01 to 22, impossible to change that?

Any way, on this search I want add some keywords and any images, what the process : open those images in a contact sheet to manage it?
In Mediapro, i can take images and "fly" on a keyword to include in it. But it seems that we can't on PM6plus. So what's the better way to manage images? The catalog is a tool to improve archiving with new description or keywords and it needs.

Thanks a lot for your work

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: collection and other things
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2019, 10:06:56 AM »
Impossible to have a new collection with Mojave installed, may be i don't understand the process.

After a quick search on catalog , i have the images in certain order : for exemple 22 to 01 and not 01 to 22, impossible to change that?

Currently impossible.  Arrangements of images in a collection are not stored with the collection.

Any way, on this search I want add some keywords and any images, what the process : open those images in a contact sheet to manage it?
In Mediapro, i can take images and "fly" on a keyword to include in it. But it seems that we can't on PM6plus. So what's the better way to manage images? The catalog is a tool to improve archiving with new description or keywords and it needs.

We're not there yet.  You'd have to change the keywords with either of the Keywords panels, or in the Metadata Info dialog for each image.


Offline ©PERENOM

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Re: collection and other things
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2019, 06:00:07 AM »
thanks for those explications.
I'm sure PM6 Plus will be a necessary application every day as I already have PM6
best regards