In PMP Beta Build 3543 I created a test collection and added some items to it, then I opened a contact sheet for the collection.
1. Selected some items in the contact sheet for the collection and right-clicked and chose remove from collection. The item count for the collection went down as expected but the contact sheet did not refresh to reflect the changes. I had to close and re-open the contact sheet.
You should be able to use the "refresh button" (chasing arrows icon on button in the contact sheet toolbar) to see those changes.
2. I have a contact sheet for a collection open which has some items in it. I then remove the collection but the contact sheet remains open and all references in the context menus to the collection are still present. I can even add items to the collection and PMP creates the collection for me with the items included in the collection.
Not sure if this is the intended behaviour but I think the contact sheet should be updated to reflect the state of the collection and all references in context menus to a removed contact sheet should be removed.
Certainly unexpected behavior for it to be able to add to a non-existing collection. Not unexpected is the lack of 'dynamic refresh'.
On the other hand, not removing a contact sheet for a removed collection does provide a method to undo a removal!
Correct. That's been our design in other parts of Photo Mechanic. If you're viewing Tagged only in a folder-based Contact Sheet and then un-tag an item, it remains until you refresh. Otherwise, if it were to immediately disappear and you had mistakenly un-tagged it then you have to switch to view all mode, find that image (out of potentially thousands of images) and then tag it again. Painful.