I am using a trial version of Photo Mechanic 6 on a new iMac using OS 10.14.6 (Mojave)
I am reviewing Photoshop as a potential replacement for MediaPro. I already have a standard method for naming my new image files which uses the Capture Date (where available) plus some text and part of the original file name ie YYMMDD_hhmmXXX1234.
I understand how to use the date components to achieve the first part of this ie
but I am not clear how I can delete various characters within the original filename when I add {filenamebase}
Please explain the following:
1) how do I simply delete the first four characters in an image filename such as IMG_1234 ?
2) how do I do this at the end of a string - and how can I do a find and replace within the software ?
Can I also do the above within the Save As or Ingest dialogue ?
Thank you for your help