MacOS Catalina
macOS 10.15.6 (19G73)
Running Photo Mechanic Version 6.0, build 4155 (e068498)
I am getting the following error when I try to do an ingest:
"Incremental Ingest: Unable to create or locate Ingest data file on /Volumes/D3_8GB. Is this a read-only volume? Incremental Ingest will not function for this volume."
Using a Lexar LRW300U CF card reader with a SANDisk extreme 8GB CF card (which has never had any issues in the past)
I have verified that the disk is NOT read-only by copying and pasting a file to it. I also created a file on the volume from terminal.
I also tried on an identical CF card and got the same result.
Not 100% sure but this may be my first doing an ingest since upgrading to Catalina - so could be Catalina related?
Or do you know what else might cause this?