Author Topic: filter keyboard shortcuts  (Read 2662 times)

Offline rjh1007

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filter keyboard shortcuts
« on: December 23, 2020, 04:59:41 PM »
Are there keyboard shortcuts for filtering the thumbnails - (not selecting - just filtering) - in the contacts sheet windows. I know the short cuts for selecting such things as color and star ratings, however, that still leaves all of the thumbnails displayed.  I want to see ie. only all 5 star or all green etc.  There is the star and color boxes/bars on the top rt of the window, however, you have to unclick 8 of 9 to see just one color then re-click another 8 to see all (alternatively in the middle drop down click All) - seems there is a lot of clicking going on.  Am I missing something or is there no other way to achieve this than the multi clicks or going into organizer and going through the multi step process of setting up the appropriate filter(s)?
I have read everything I can find in the wiki and on the forums and this is not referenced.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: filter keyboard shortcuts
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2020, 08:48:17 PM »

Are there keyboard shortcuts for filtering the thumbnails - (not selecting - just filtering) - in the contacts sheet windows. I know the short cuts for selecting such things as color and star ratings, however, that still leaves all of the thumbnails displayed.  I want to see ie. only all 5 star or all green etc.  There is the star and color boxes/bars on the top rt of the window, however, you have to unclick 8 of 9 to see just one color then re-click another 8 to see all (alternatively in the middle drop down click All) - seems there is a lot of clicking going on.  Am I missing something or is there no other way to achieve this than the multi clicks or going into organizer and going through the multi step process of setting up the appropriate filter(s)?
I have read everything I can find in the wiki and on the forums and this is not referenced.

Right-clicking on a color or a rating will give you some choices that may be more effective.  Also, "Modifier key"-clicking on a color or rating will toggle off all but the one you click on.  The Modifier key is Shift on Windows and Option on macOS.  There are no keyboard shortcuts for filtering other than the View filtering (F1:Show all, F2:Selected only, F3:Tagged only, F4:Untagged only.)



Offline rjh1007

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Re: filter keyboard shortcuts
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2020, 10:26:58 PM »
Thanks, exactly what I was looking for.