John Paul,
Please help me find a description of how to use PM6+. I want to use the "Collections" feature but have only been able to find: <>
The documentation is currently undergoing improvement based on your feedback.
I need a clear description of how to both title and delete a Collection which includes images from several keyword searches.
To set the title of a collection: select the collection, then right-click on the collection and choose "Rename Collection <collection name>", then enter your text and press enter. You can press 'escape' if you change your mind.
To delete a collection: select the collection, then right-click on the collection and choose "Remove Collection <collection name>". A confirmation dialog will appear. Confirming the dialog will delete the collection and all of its sub-collections (if any). No photos will be removed from the catalog. No photos will be deleted. You can choose "No" in the confirmation dialog if you change your mind.
I also want to know how to delete single images from a Collection and make sure they are not deleted from the whole database.
Right-click on an image in the Collection contact sheet and choose "Remove from Collection: <collection name>". It will be removed from the collection, but not the catalog, nor will the actual image be deleted.
Am I correct that a "Collection" is simply pointers to items that are in the database, and that anything done in "Collections" does not affect the original (even though the items are displayed in a contact sheet window the same as the originals were.) ?
Bottom line I need much more detailed information about how Collections work in order to use them efficiently and effectively.
It's coming. Until then, see my above instructions and let me know if something is unclear.