I am having trouble with what - seems - to be Photo Mechanic wiping out XMP files on my RAF files. Here's what's happening:
I shoot with a Nikon Z6ii and I have 2 Picture Controls that I custom built in-camera - a B&W one (Monochrome+Green) and a colour one (Standard).
I do this because I always pick 1 or the other while shooting, with the intent of shooting that in colour or B&W, even though it's RAW.
When I import directly into Lightroom, I have the default set to "Camera Setting" so Lightroom can grab the "Camera Standard" profile for my colour shots and "Monochrome+Green" profile for my B&W shots. This works great.
But when I import using Photo Mechanic first, do my tagging and selects in there, and then import into Lightroom, it's like the in-camera settings/profile is lost (probably because Photo Mechanic makes its own XMP file?). All of the images default to "Camera Standard" instead. However, if I take the RAF file, copy it somewhere else, and then import that, it keeps the profile (Monochrome+Green or Standard). So it seems to be something Photo Mechanic is doing.
Any idea how to fix/correct this?