Author Topic: to PM+ or to not PM+  (Read 1662 times)

Offline Ivycreek1

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to PM+ or to not PM+
« on: December 05, 2022, 06:19:46 AM »
Not sure if my searching skills are too rusty to find the answers I'm looking for but I can't seem to find the answers on the forum or quite frankly on the internet as a whole.

So here my problem. I purchased PM 6 and am pretty impressed with the speed of my culling. I have been thinking of upgrading to PM+, and like a dummy didn't play with it when I had a trial period. Since the only difference is the catalog capabilities and I still need to import to Lightroom for editing, which as far as I know forces importing  to its catalog, is it something that I really need? What are the advantages if I already need to maintain the LR catalog? I know it's possible to skip LR and just do edits in PS,  and PS is in my workflow but frankly the interface in LR allows me to do some of the  editing faster before opening in PS to add the finishing touches.

I'm pretty sure someone will suggest dropping Adobe but that is not an option as I'm pretty much unwilling to invest the time to learn the ins and outs of a new editing program.

I feel like I'm missing something about PM+.  Can the catalog in PM+ be used in LR? Do PM+ users delete the images from the LR catalog after edits? Can PM+ import the LR catalog so it is there for redundancy? 

Any helpful comments or experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Offline ahoward

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Re: to PM+ or to not PM+
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2022, 04:21:53 PM »
Neither program can use the other's database, but both programs can read and write metadata to the same location, meaning that the two programs can work together without stepping on each other. That said, Lightroom takes an extra push to read metadata that other programs have changed (you need to manually tell it, in one of a few ways, that you actually want those changes and not the version of the metadata as it exists in the Lightroom Catalog).

Do PM+ users delete the images from the LR catalog after edits?

You could do that, but at that point you might as well just delete the Catalog and start a new one for the next project (although I think the option for Lightroom to write changes into XMP is a per-catalog setting, so you'd probably want to make sure to change that if there is no way to set that as a default). Or you could just import the things that you need to edit into a Lightroom Library strictly for editing, and not worry to much about whether not something is in a Lightroom Catalog or not.

I have been thinking of upgrading to PM+, and like a dummy didn't play with it when I had a trial period.
I am sure we can help if you would like to try Photo Mechanic Plus's capabilities if you send an email to

Offline Ivycreek1

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Re: to PM+ or to not PM+
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2022, 02:14:11 PM »
Thank you for the answer!  I decided to just bite the bullet and upgrade and work out any kinks that I might create in the work flow as they happen. Nothing ventured nothing gained!