Author Topic: Photoshelter uploader and option to overwrite files  (Read 1081 times)


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Photoshelter uploader and option to overwrite files
« on: May 09, 2023, 01:52:18 AM »
I use the Photoshelter uploader a lot and find it to be really good and very efficient. One of the options that I use occasionally is under the "if file already exists on server" drop down and change it to "replace file". A couple of times I have forgotten to swap it back to the default "Upload anyway". Is there any way that you could implement an option similar to the "copy files" in Photo Mechanic which, when changed to "move files" gives you ability to go back to copy every time you use it (or not)?

Put simply, I'd like a way to make the useful but dangerous overwrite files option something that I need to select each time. Equally its would be good for those who wish to have the overwrite as their default to be able to opt for that.

Whilst I am asking for things, is there a way to have an option to never upload RAW files? Every once-in-a-while I manage to hit upload before ACR has finished saving my jpegs and it uploads the CR3 instead.