Author Topic: Check edited metadata  (Read 2529 times)

Offline PhiK

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Check edited metadata
« on: May 30, 2023, 02:12:55 PM »
After I edited the metadata of a batch of pictures, I want to be able to easily check if my pictures are correctly tagged, and to do the few remaining corrections which need to be done. Is there a way to do this easily with PMP ? In the past, I used another software (Fotostation), and it was very easy and convenient for example to see the list of all the captions, sorted as I want.

Thanks for your help

Offline Mick O (Camera Bits)

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Re: Check edited metadata
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2023, 04:30:47 PM »
There are a few methods you may want to investigate:

I. Text Exporter

You can use the Text Exporter to generate a report spreadsheet similar to what you've shown in your screenshot, you can choose what metadata you would like to have in the report.

1. Select all the files in your contact sheet.
2. File > Export...  then "Text Exporter"   to generate a report. You can see an example and how it appears in a spreadsheet program in the attached screenshots.

Header text:
Code: [Select]
Nom di fichier{tab}Date de modification{tab}Taille image{tab}Légende{tab}Mots clés
Code: [Select]
Save your exported file with the .tsv extension to open it in Excel

Create a Snapshot preset for this report with the Snapshot (lightning bolt) button so you don't have to type in all those variables each time.

If you are doing this in Excel. make sure to check the box to Replace Carriage Returns

If you find yourself needing to make a lot of metadata edits this way, you can check this video on how to apply metadata back to your images from the spreadsheet:

II. Find

If you're mainly looking for empty fields that you forgot to fill out, you can use the Find feature in Photo Mechanic to locate files that don't have anything in specific metadata fields. Just leave the Find field empty. (Example attached)

III. Contact sheet labels

For a simpler way to quickly check the contents of one or two fields, you can choose to display those fields in your contact sheet in Preferences > Contact Sheet.   You won't be able to verify long strings, but if the strings are short, this could work.

IV. The Metadata Info screen

Use the Arrow buttons to quickly flip through images in the Metadata Info screen. Depending on your batches, this may be the fastest way.

I hope something in these ideas can help you in checking the metadata on your images.


Mick O
Camera Bits

Offline PhiK

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Re: Check edited metadata
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2023, 01:59:52 AM »
Thanks a lot for your reply and those ideas, I will try to combine them. Especially the export function seems to be very powerful. Nevertheless the ability to generate lists to be seen inside PMP without having to generate an Excel file would be mode dynamic and faster I think. I saw a request feature on this (List View with customizable view options), dating back from 2019 !