Author Topic: Secondary captioning  (Read 1967 times)


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Secondary captioning
« on: June 05, 2024, 05:15:55 AM »
I set up captioning in Photo Mechanic before I upload the camera card. I consider this to be the generic caption that applies to every shot. I do the ingest and then the images take their trip though my dog's dinner of post production.  At the end of this process I have sorted a couple of thousand images down to a few good ones to send to the publication.  At this point I return those final six shots to Photo Mechanic to add specific information for each image (name, number, what they are doing, & so forth), and that's fine. I almost always leave the game after the first period or half, so I could not know what the final score was when I did the original generic caption.  But by the time that I've reached the final captioning stage of post production, the game has ended and I now know the final score. 

What I would like to do is to add that final score to all of those final images, but I don't want to have to type it in six (or more) times.

Is there an easy way to do this in Photo Mechanic?

Offline Bob Russell

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Re: Secondary captioning
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2024, 08:43:34 AM »
You can use the IPTC Metadata Template to batch update the final images with the same score. I would clear the Metadata Template first and then enter the score in the field you typically use. The apply box will be checked as soon as you start typing in the field. If you want to add the final score to the Caption field, then you can append it to the end of the current caption or prefix it to the beginning of the caption. The Caption field has a menu with the Prefix, Replace and Append options.   If you Prefix the score, then you should follow the score with a blank space in the Caption field.  If you Append the score to the end of the caption, then start with a blank space before the score in the caption field. Now apply the Metadata Template to the selected images.

Best regards,
