Author Topic: Previewing Edits  (Read 3149 times)

Offline Greg Zenitsky

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Previewing Edits
« on: September 05, 2024, 08:57:12 AM »
When I first started with Photomechanic on version 4 in 2008, I mostly used CaptureNX for any processing of my Nikon raw files. After adjustments, I could visibly see any changes I made in the thumbnails stored by PM. I haven't been able to do that for quite some time and most searches for the reason why do not turn up any helpful information. Most likely my issue! Is there something I can do or change in preferences that would allow me to see my changes done in external editing or as a lesser option, is there someway to tag a file with a variable that would indicate the file has been edited by an external app?

Thank you very much for any assistance you can give me.

Greg Zenitsky
Lee's Summit, Missouri
Greg Zenitsky
Lee's Summit, MO

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Previewing Edits
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2024, 09:29:28 AM »

When I first started with Photomechanic on version 4 in 2008, I mostly used CaptureNX for any processing of my Nikon raw files. After adjustments, I could visibly see any changes I made in the thumbnails stored by PM. I haven't been able to do that for quite some time and most searches for the reason why do not turn up any helpful information. Most likely my issue! Is there something I can do or change in preferences that would allow me to see my changes done in external editing or as a lesser option, is there someway to tag a file with a variable that would indicate the file has been edited by an external app?

CaptureNX and NX2 would update the embedded preview in the NEF files to reflect your edits.  Other software doesn't do that.  PM can't possibly render a RAW file and get the same results of an external editor.  If you want to see what your RAW files look like in PM with any external editor, have that editor generate a JPEG with the same name as your RAW file in the same folder as the RAW file and PM will pair the two images up and show you the JPEG which should reflect your edits.

You'll have to make sure that View->Combined Images is active for the two images to be paired, otherwise they'll be separate images in the contact sheet.



Offline Greg Zenitsky

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Re: Previewing Edits
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2024, 10:08:00 AM »
Thanks for the response Kirk. I understand what you're saying and I'll adapt accordingly.

Best regards,
Greg Z
Greg Zenitsky
Lee's Summit, MO