Author Topic: Location of FTP window  (Read 1004 times)

Offline ulrik

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Location of FTP window
« on: January 12, 2025, 02:43:24 PM »
Is there a technical reasons for the FTP window only to be available in a pop up screen?

Could there be an option to include under other pages? Or maybe just the snapshots....

In the future it might be possible to make workflow recipes and be able to design the workspace with needed windows etc....

Offline ulrik

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Re: Location of FTP window
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2025, 08:11:10 AM »
Just to make it more constructive. Some suggestions with different difficulties I assume:

1. An ability to change FTP snapshots via shortcuts. So command x is a specific snapshot.
2. Change the FTP in the preview or IPTC metadata window. Under the "save, upload next button" you can choose FTP snapshot (and maybe IPTC template for other needs)
3. As above but only the FTP.
4. Information across the programme about which shortcut is currently active.
5. As above but if snapshots are not possible, then just which FTP is active now.
6. A field in IPTC file is connected to snapshot. So if the option is chosen photo mechanic search for that and send to mentioned FTP. Could also help people who ask for automatic FTP uploads.

With several customers I now have to go and check which one is active now and then go back.


Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Location of FTP window
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2025, 02:22:29 PM »

Is there a technical reasons for the FTP window only to be available in a pop up screen?

Yes.  Can you describe where/how you would like the Uploader UI to appear?


Offline ulrik

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Re: Location of FTP window
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2025, 08:10:19 AM »
So the problem is for people who send to several customers: to ensure all gets the right caption (The new snapshot and local template is amazing and have all ready helped me a lot) and does it really quickly so we can get back to photographing.

The main problem for me is that there are no shortcuts for Snapshots. if that could be solved we could make a macro  (so it doesnt matter what the shortcut is) for the upload process. (still a small problem with sorting photos....). Then its crop, add captions and one shortcut which starts a macro which upload to the two customers (or other has different needs which they can make automatic). Then its quick. To improve the speed of that you would need very specific workflow improvements.

If not possible (which is probably why you answered like you did) the following could be a possibility:

A. I think changing FTP upload is more needed under “contact sheet” and “Metadata (IPTC) info” window so a dropdown menu with FTP snapshots (or FTP if not possible but somehow defeats the purpose of snapshot plus local template) with the current active one highlighted would be nice. At “contact sheet” between sorting (all, tagged etc) and stars would be fine. And next to “Apply Metadata Template” on “metadata (IPTC) info”.

B. if above not possible: On the same spot as above showing the current active FTP connection (could be just the name of the FTP connection in green colour (then we dont have to check). Also answer to one of your other questions.

C. The complicated one but also includes other things:

1. Make the menu on the sides (left on “contact sheet” and right of “Preview” window) more customisable. So you under settings could choose which items to have there and maybe people could suggest other information needed. And if none is chosen there is no window at all.

2. Make a third column under “Metadata (IPTC) info” window which is also, as above customisable.

3.  Make it possible to add “FTP upload” and “IPTC template) to the above. With options to choose what is visible (like there is now for “IPTC template”).  Most people would only need to change very few items (me FTP snapshot and maybe one word in the description/caption field.

The last one here is of course a bigger change but would also assist in different ways.

I do apologise for all my posts. I sit on the train to a game and try to make it as fast as possible. Both to upload faster than others but also to be ready for new action (probably more important than uploading as quick as possible). And Im quite fast now. The main problem now is above. I have x number of photos marked, 1 and 2 stars, and I have to send 1 star photos to one customers with specific captions and 2 star photos to another one. So in a perfect world there would be a way (as discussed earlier) to limit photos shown to the last x minutes (so its just the goal for example), then a shortcut to only choose 1 star (there is), shortcut to either choose x snapshot or upload (there is) and then choose snapshot with a snapshot, send shortcut (there is), go to “contact sheet” shortcut (there is), Select others (or two stars) shortcut (there is) and then upload again. Thats by far the biggest time savings I can make now.

And that was too long. I hope it makes a bit of sense…….

Thanks again for the recent updates and looking at my posts.

Offline Eric

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Re: Location of FTP window
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2025, 01:57:18 PM »
I am 'linking' this as well as several requests for updating the APPEARANCE of the FTP uploader. The reality in the editorial marketplace is that many of us are shooting for multiple outlets / wires and would REALLY benefit from some way of making sure that we are sending to the correct client.  It is HUGE because with all the cross posting, when a photographer sends images to the wrong outlet there is a pretty good chance that by the time it is caught those images have propagated to 3 or more syndicated partners of the original mistake. We end up spending a morning going to every website to gather that company's image numbers and then sending takedown requests for those numbers and explaining that they were submitted by mistake.

The easiest (IMHO) was the original request 1-2 years ago to be able to have a small jpg of the client's logo tagged to the FTP account so that their logo is prominently displayed in the FTP upload window.

Offline ulrik

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Re: Location of FTP window
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2025, 04:16:33 AM »
Will clearly help and shouldn't be that difficult.

I just think its human, especially during a game, to make these mistakes so by making it more automatic is both a lot faster and more safe. If 1 star photos, through a macro, can only be uploaded to X FTP, there should be less problems.

But most important, I think, is to ensure there are shortcuts for as much as possible so people can improve their specific workflow. All are a bit different, I think. Right now I can't choose a specific snapshots in the upload window via shortcut and that makes is rather slow and I might make a mistake (better now than before though.....)

But yes, due to less earnings there are more than before with several customers and we can loose our work if we make a big mistake....

Offline ulrik

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Re: Location of FTP window
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2025, 01:47:51 AM »
i been thinking regarding the drop down snapshot.

It could either be a way to choose favourites like there is with files which are then always open (and of course with short cuts) and then they are visible between "preferences" and "close" on the upload menu. And if you can choose favourites by right clicking on them there would also be a way to assign it to a shortcut (could be command 1 etc...)

Or a lock which keeps the dropdown menu open. So there is "save", "manage snapshot" and "lock". Plus of course shortcuts.

Almost anything else is fine if there are shortcuts due to how easy it is to make it automatic with shortcuts. Possible shortcuts for every thing in PM would make it customizable for allmost all needs of different photographers, all with different needs. I now use "select transferred" and "hide x star" at every event and there are no shortcuts. That takes extra time and today, for example, it is snowing and I will have gloves on...

So first shortcuts for everything would be a huge help. Then we can customize them through other software.

Thanks and enjoy the weekend.