Author Topic: Cropping - a better way  (Read 4025 times)

Offline FVlcek

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Cropping - a better way
« on: February 10, 2008, 02:04:03 AM »
Hi, I have a feature suggestion - to enhance how the crop tool works. Currently the crop cursor pop ups only when directly over the pixels of the image. I would like if it could work same as in Photoshop - that is, you can start cropping even when outside the image (ie the grey preview window background), which would then automatically snap that crop's edge to the corresponding image's edge.

What's the benefit? Currently, to make a crop which goes all the way to one edge of photo, I have to either exactly position the crop cursor at e.g. 1,1 pixel coordinates (for top left corner) - which is nearly impossible on a laptop and slow even with mouse - or start the crop somewhere inside the photo than move the crop to the edge.

With my suggestion, one could simply start cropping from the side one wishes to keep complete.

Thanks, Frantisek