I have an interesting problem that I need assistance with. Sorry for the long post, but it is complicated.
I was starting a workflow that consisted, in brief, of the following:
(1) Ingest photos from CF card into Photo Mechanic, renaming and applying basic IPTC data (note that IPTC/XMP preferences were at their defaults)
(2) Further apply IPTC tags
(3) Convert selected RAW files using Capture One PRO 3.7.4
At this stage I noticed a number of problems with white balance in C1Pro. These included: incorrect white balance information, selecting "As Shot" white balance changing the white balance to 4750K and -200 tint for every image (really bad), and white balance changes not being kept across C1Pro program restarts.
So I reported the problem to Phase One, thinking it their problem.
However, I discovered through trial and error that photos from the same camera that have not had IPTC information applied using PM do not exhibit this problem.
I've discovered that for future imports I need to disable adding the IPTC-NAA resource (in PM) when writing IPTC. When I do this I can still apply IPTC info in PM and C1Pro works as it should.
But I have problem with a large number of photos that had IPTC information applied where adding the IPTC-NAA resource was selected. I need to recover these to a state where C1Pro doesn't have the WB issues. I can do this to a certain extent by selecting "Revert TIFF-based RAW to Original" in PM. If I do this then the images are stripped of their IPTC information and C1Pro works as it should with white balance. But as soon as I try to re-write any IPTC data (even with adding the IPTC-NAA resource deselected in the Preferences panel) the problem reoccurs, whereas newer images that never had the IPTC-NAA resource added work fine. Even clearing the resource fork on the problem images doesn't solve the problem. For some reason if the add IPTC-NAA resource option was ever enabled on an image I can't get it back to a state where I can write IPTC information and have C1Pro still work with the white balance correctly.
Here's like I desperately need: a way to revert these problem images to a state where I can add IPTC information and have C1Pro read it, without white balance problems.
The camera is a Nikon D2x (I'm not sure how much this matters).
PM version is 4.4.3
P.S. I would have never thought that writing IPTC information such as copyright, keywords, etc. would affect white balance. Very strange!