PM 4.4.3
Mac OS X.4.6
Macbook Pro
Lightroom Beta 1
When I imgest images, I write a general caption that fits all (canon raw format). After import, I open Lightroom, make any adjustments required, and then export (as jpegs) back to a subfolder (JPEGs). I then re-open PM and write individual captions using Code Replacement (love it) and crop as desired. I then "Save Photo as" to a different subfolder (also jpegs). At this point, I am ready to run photoshop action for sharpening and sizing to fit requirements.
Problem: After I "save photo as", the captions on the images in the second subfolder revert back to the general caption I wrote initially. I have attempted to change settings in perferences (one at a time to see which one worked), but to no help. I currently have JPEGs set to read/write last caption.
Question: How can I ensure the final caption accompanies the image when I crop and "save photo as"?