Hello, I am currently running a trial version of PM. So far very good! The problem I am having is the way I organize my data base. I have 30 categories for my images e.g. urban landscapes (ub), sport (sp), portraits (pt). I have saved the categories in the renaming box and ticked the sequence box. As I may have a large number of images to rename after editing I may be using many different categories to label my images. PM renaming starts as follows, ub001, pt002, pt003, sp004, ub005.
Is there any way PM can remember the last entered individual category numbering sequence, e.g. ub001, pt001, pt002, sp001, ub002. What I have to do at the moment is before I do any renaming I go back to the records in each category and write down the last recorded image entry so I can start off in the right numbering order for each category. Thanks Buz