The exposure compensation should show correctly since it is a standard Exif tag.
The flash exposure compensation is NOT a standard Exif tag (and neither are things like contrast, sharpening, etc). These are bits of information that are stored within the camera manufacturer's (e.g. Nikon's) "maker note" which is proprietary information. I believe we used to read Nikon's flash exposure compensation correctly for older Nikon models, but apparently Nikon changed their formatting (which of course they have the right to do). Even ExifTool gets it wrong. Apparently the flash exposure compensation is stored now as a value that must be "looked-up" in a table to get the right value. I'll see if I can work this out. But of course we can't always know what Nikon or Canon or whoever may decide to do about their maker note formatting until new models are released and we have a chance to decipher their formatting. In the mean time, you will have to rely-upon Nikon's software (the latest version of course that supports their new models since even Nikon's old software doesn't support Nikon's new cameras).