Author Topic: Preview - cropping - UI enhancement  (Read 3081 times)

Offline FVlcek

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Preview - cropping - UI enhancement
« on: November 10, 2008, 09:20:50 AM »
Hello, I have a minor suggestion for the UI of the crop feature in Preview window.

First, if there could be a keyboard shortcut for changing between constrained and normal crop. I know the keyboard is cluttered already, but please think about it.

Second, I would like to be able to directly enter numbers into the W: and H: boxes by keyboard. Currently, I can only use the mouse and not even the scrollwheel, one has to click the little buttons for up and down. Very unwieldy on a laptop. So please make them:
* direct number entering
* scroll wheel on mouse should change the values

Third, let the crop start "outside" the image area (drawing the crop box when you move the cursor over actual image), that allows for more precise selection right to the edge. Just look at the way crop works in Photoshop when you have maximised its window.

This is on Mac OS X 10.5.5, although most of it applies to both platforms.

I don't know how much of it is possible with OS X interface, though.

Thank you for consideration, Frantisek