Windows Vista 64-bit SP1 Quad CPU 2.66GHz 4GB RAM Tried PM 4.5.4, 4.6, 4.6.1
I used to be able to rate my JPG files in PM - do not recall the exact version since I just started using PM for initial image selection and rating again.
After scanning the related topics I think I have the correct setup in Preferences - IPTC/XMP:
reading: Read embedded XMP before IPTC
writing: Add both ITPC and IPTC4XMP
Preferences - Files:
Add tag, color class, and rating to IPTC/XMP: Always for all photos
(I tried to enter screen shots but did not succeed)
I can change ratings and tags in PM but after closing the contact sheet and reopening it again or closing/opening PM itself, the changed ratings and tags have disappeared.
Using BreezeBrowserPro I see that the modified ratings and tags do not show up in the HTML tokens of the IPTC/XMP data of the selected image, so it seems they exist only in memory while running PM and are not written to the image data.
I can rate images using IMatch V3.6 and the ratings then appear in PM, but of course I want to go the other way and utilize the great display speed of PM for the rating and selection part of my workflow.
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