On a wedding I used NEF only, JPEG only, and RAW+JPEG (this last one by mistake).
If I choose capture time, the NEF+JPEG get mixed with the NEF only (out of the capture time order).
What do you mean here? Are you saying that the NEFs have a different capture time from the JPEGs? That should not be the case as they definitely should have the same capture time. The only way I can think of both files having a different capture time is when something else than your camera has changed the file...
The only way I can work around this, is unclicking the "combine raw+jpeg" in VIEW menu (or cntrl+J), so I can only read JPEG, not jpg+raw. So I finally can see all the pictures on the correct capture time
My question is:
If I unclick that, and tag a photo, which one am I tagging? the jpeg copy or the nef one?
If you do not have the "combine RAW+JPG" enabled, you will be tagging ONLY the file that you have selected. If you want to tag both at the same time (which I think you want), you'll have to enable "combine RAW+JPG" again.
Does this help?
Sorry if I dont explain correctly (english limitations). I will try to elaborate:
I started shooting raw on the morning, on afternoow I changed to JPEG, and on sunsetting I wanted to change to NEF again, but mistakenly left the camera on RAW+JPEG.
When I was backk inthe office, I downloaded all cards and told PM to sort it by CAPTURE TIME. What I see after that is:
first photo is a NEF, which was the first photo taken indeed.
second photo is a NEF+jpeg, but from the late afternoon (sunset) - the date and time is totally different (from the same camera)
the third photo is a NEF again, which was the second photo taken at the day...
the fourth photo is a NEF+JPEG again, from the sunset, and so on....
If I turn that option of (cntrl+J) all files go to the correct order by capture time, but now I see only a JPEG (not the raw+jpeg) under the thumb.
One more problem Im facing (I dont know if its a D300 wrong setting by the user, which is me, or if its a PM problem or setting) is that RAW+JPEG is giving me four copies of the same picture.
At first, I thought it was bracketing, but the pictures are the same (same name, hour, WB) its a exact copy.
If I select JPEG, its giving me 3 copies.
Do you guys have any idea of wahts going on? I searched D300 manual and could not find an answer for it.