Author Topic: Nikon EXIF data not exported by PM when saving from NEF to JPEG  (Read 3360 times)

Offline dsmccormick

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I'm using PM 4.6.1 on Mac OS X 10.5.7.

I noticed that when doing a Save As... from NEF to JPEG that some of the key EXIF field are not written to the JPEG file, such as shutter actuations, white balance, focus mode, flash compensation; there are probably others.

However, when I open the NEF in Capture 2 NX, save the file as JPEG, all that information is written to the EFIX fields of the JPEG. Furthermore, if I do a Save As... from PM for that JPEG, all the EXIF data are preserved in the PM-saved JPEG.

Any thoughts on whether I can get PM to save the EXIF data when saving to JPEG from NEF format?

Thanks, David.

Offline ralphdaily

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Re: Nikon EXIF data not exported by PM when saving from NEF to JPEG
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2009, 06:04:43 AM »
I noticed this also (same platform & Nikon).  I usually read the lens type and it isn't there when I extract JPEG in PM. Ralph

Offline dennis

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Re: Nikon EXIF data not exported by PM when saving from NEF to JPEG
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2009, 03:10:16 PM »
Hey guys,

The problem is that when PM is saving a JPEG from a NEF it is manufacturing all of the Exif data (because the structure of the Exif data in a NEF needs to be changed for the JPEG format).  And we don't manufacture Exif "maker notes" (which is where manufactures like Nikon store non-standard Exif fields like actuations, etc).  Same would be true with opening the NEF into Photoshop and saving a JPEG - the maker note would be gone.  Nikon's software of course can write Nikon maker notes since they "own" their maker note format.  When saving a JPEG from a JPEG in PM, we can simply copy the entire Exif block and so all the Exif and maker note information gets preserved.

We could be missing some standard Exif fields, however, like flash exposure compensation so I'll look into what we might be missing there.
