Photo Mechanic can definitely show the adjustments in a DNG file, because the embedded JPEG preview can be updated by Adobe's applications to reflect your adjustments. I don't really know what the cons are, but I'm sure that there are debates about the DNG format going on all the time on the internet.
I did an experiment where I converted some raw files to DNG which I had already made adjustments to in CameraRaw. I was happy to see that the Adobe DNG converter included the image settings and that PM properly displayed the adjustments. However, even after playing with a number of settings, I can't get PM to reflect further changes made to the DNG.
I set CameraRaw's preferences to update the Jpeg preview, and set the preview to "full size". When CameraRaw adjustments were not being reflected in PM, I also tried setting PM to "For RAW only: Use embedded JPEG Preview for speed". I tried to force a re-render using Command-/ and F5.
Assuming it's possible, does anyone know what settings will get PM to update this Jpeg preview after editing in CameraRaw?
Mac OS10.4.11, PS CS3, DNG converter 5.4 with it's preference set to write DNG's compatible for CameraRaw 4.6.