[I'm running PM (eval) on OSX 10.6.2.]
I'm trying to use the 'Update IPTC/XMP' tool without success. Here is what I have and what I'm trying to do:
One JPEG file with IPTC embedded, exported from Aperture (filename: DSC_2407.jpg).
One "out of camera" NEF file with no metadata embedded and no sidecar (filename: DSC_2407.NEF).
I open these two files in a contact sheet. I'm fairly certain PM recognizes these as a RAW/JPG pair because at first it showed me only a single combined thumbnail per my "Combine RAW+JPEG into single thumbnail" preference setting. I unchecked this preference, and I now see two images in the contact sheet (one JPG, one NEF), as I expect.
If I click the "i" on the JPG image the IPTC info window shows me all the metadata I expect for this particular JPG (some keywords, caption, etc). I click on "i" on the NEF image and I see no metadata as I expect.
At this point I'd like to update the NEF file with the JPG's metadata. I do:
1. Select the pair of images in the contact sheet.
2. Tools -> Update IPTC/XMP...
3. Select "Read IPTC/XMP from JPEG", and then "Update".
4. The NEF image still does not have any metadata (my preferences are set up to generate a sidecar for Raw files).
I observe that a sidecar is generated (DSC_2407.XMP), but it does not contain any metadata as far as I can tell. Here are the contents:
<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="XMP Core 4.1.1">
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="
<rdf:Description rdf:about=""
<rdf:Description rdf:about=""
<rdf:Description rdf:about=""
<rdf:Description rdf:about=""
Preferences screenshot attached.
In the 'Files' preferences I have NOT checked "Allow RAW files (non DNG) to be modified for metadata...". I do not want PM embedding anything into my NEFs, but I would like PM to create sidecars for my NEFs based on the corresponding JPG metadata.
Have I done something wrong in my steps? I tried (temporarily) to set PM to write IPTC/XMP directly to the NEF file to see if that worked but it didn't. So I guess I'm doing something wrong here..
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