Hi Kirk
It's no big deal and really last thing which matters to me, but it might be usefull for someone...
I just tried to check today what's actuation counter on my camera and I remembered I read somewhere a while ago PM has ability to read this variable too. So I tried to set info text to "Actuations #: {actuations}" and result was pretty strange. {actuations} shows me -25155 which is pretty strange... at least on first sight.
After I opened ExifReader and checked real counter it was a bit less strange, but I still think you didn't want it to work this way
-25155 is actually right number if you substract it from 65536 and this way I get real actuations which is 40381. On the other side it shows normal actuations on my old 1d (which has around 300k frames). So I have no idea how it will/would show on 1dmk2 after counter would went over 65536.
PS: Even more strange... I just checked some random old photo from same 1dmk2 and it shows normaly, so now I really have no idea anymore. Only difference between older photos (with right actuations) and recent photos (with this "strange" actuations) is, that I finally started to use more features of PM as I did before. So nowadays I add captions, rename and sort in directories on ingest already. Before that I was renaming and adding captions after ingest. Could this matter?
PS #2: If it matters. PM, Windows XP, Canon 1dmk2 and 1d.