When I started PhotoMechanic this morning, all my settings had vanished - preferences, FTP connections, toolbar view settings, Info text, etc. Everything was as if it was an all-new installation. My first thought was to copy the com.camerabits.PhotoMechanic.plist file and the com.camerabits.PhotoMechanic folder from my backup back into my user/library/preferences folder, but this seemed to make no difference, so the corruption or change must have occurred on quitting PM last night just before running the backup. However, what I do still have are all the Snapshot menus, though I didn't check initially so I don't know if they were working when I first tried PM or if they were restored from backup. All my other apps seem fine, it's just PM that went funny. In the end I managed to restore all the settings from the plist file on my desktop installation of PM. A long shot maybe, but do you have any idea what could have caused this?
I'm running a Powerbook G4 with OS X 10.4.7 and PM