Author Topic: Ingest and code replacement  (Read 4532 times)

Offline nharnik

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Ingest and code replacement
« on: September 25, 2006, 09:17:36 AM »
Hi Kirk,

I use variables and code replacement to name my folders and rename my files during the ingest process.

I insert variables in the "Folder Name" and "Rename Ingested Photos As" fields of the Ingest box, which target fields of the IPTC Stationary Pad where I have inserted code replacement items.

I imagine, in layman's terms, that my ingest configuration works because the IPTC Stationary Pad does the code replacement before the Ingest process applies the IPTC Stationary.

In looking for an alternative to the IPTC Stationary fields, (which are in high demand for other bits of information) I have tried to insert variables pointing to Job Minder fields, where I had inserted code replacement items.
Unfortunately, the code replacement did not work there. (the \XXX\ was imported, not the replacement)

Can job minder fields be used for text replacement? Can you make the job minder fields do code replacement before the Ingest process?

All of the above would probably not be an issue with me, if I could use code replacement in the "Folder Name" field of the Ingest Box, where I could not make it work, or in the "Rename Ingested Photos As", where the field does not accept the "\" symbol.
Many thanks, Nati

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Ingest and code replacement
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2006, 09:33:44 AM »

I use variables and code replacement to name my folders and rename my files during the ingest process.

I insert variables in the "Folder Name" and "Rename Ingested Photos As" fields of the Ingest box, which target fields of the IPTC Stationary Pad where I have inserted code replacement items.

I imagine, in layman's terms, that my ingest configuration works because the IPTC Stationary Pad does the code replacement before the Ingest process applies the IPTC Stationary.

In looking for an alternative to the IPTC Stationary fields, (which are in high demand for other bits of information) I have tried to insert variables pointing to Job Minder fields, where I had inserted code replacement items.
Unfortunately, the code replacement did not work there. (the \XXX\ was imported, not the replacement)

Can job minder fields be used for text replacement? Can you make the job minder fields do code replacement before the Ingest process?

All of the above would probably not be an issue with me, if I could use code replacement in the "Folder Name" field of the Ingest Box, where I could not make it work, or in the "Rename Ingested Photos As", where the field does not accept the "\" symbol.

Let me think about this for a bit.  I'll get back to you.

Thanks for the feedback,
